Aksaray University
Vocational School of Health Services

Aksaray Health Services Vocational School Opened under the name of Niğde University in 1992. She gave associate degree education in Nursing program until 1997-1998 academic year .With the decision of the Council of Ministers dated October 10, 1996 and numbered 96/8655, the Nursing associate degree program has been abolished by the Council of Higher Education with the opening of Health Colleges at the undergraduate level (4 years).

The Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program opened in 1997-1998 academic year, the Medical Laboratory Techniques Program opened in the 2000-2001 academic year, the Elderly Care Program opened in the 2010-2011 academic year and Optician Program opened in 2019-2020 academic year were added to the program.


Health Services Vocational School; is a higher education institution that sustains four semesters of education aiming to cultivate intermediate human power that provides services in various branches of health services.